Depression – A lack of faith?

Bismillahi-rahmani-rahim, Haven´t uploaded for some while. And to be honest not produced any new writing work lately. But I found some old ones that I´d like to share with you. The following is a topic I struggled with for quite a while. Though it is some time ago I wrote, I is still actual in … More Depression – A lack of faith?

The Journey Home

After being 9 months abroad, travelling through Asia, I am back home now which feels totally weird. Although I often refused to call my return “going home” in the end it´s the right description I guess. Being here again, in the house where I´ve grown up, where everything is so familiar, I can´t call it anything else than home. And now I am sitting here at 3am and it feels like waking up out from a really long dream, so far, so unreal. One of those dreams where you wish to just go back to sleep and continue dreaming. But even if you would do so, you´ll never find yourserlf in the same dream again. Cause it´s a one time event, a one time experience. Like memories, you can remember them but you´ll never be able to back to that moment.
More The Journey Home

Head in the clouds

About one hour ago, I started writing on my next post. A message of a friend in Germany reached me, asking about the condition in Indonesia and if I would be safe. This morning I already received a message from another friend asking if would be alright. Two more followed. Fyi, Sulawesi and Bandung, where I stay right now, are quite far away. So no reason to worry actually. It is safe here alhamdulillah. That´s what I told everyone. But then I started thinking: What does it mean actually? It is safe here. Don´t worry, I am not dying, I am safe?

But can we be sure about this? We never know what will happen the next day or just the next second. Our lives hang on a thin thread. If God wants to take it from us, we can´t do anything about it. Cause our lives, our souls, our hearts, our bodies, everything belongs to HIM. Why holding on so much onto something that is not ours anyway, that is only borrowed for a short amount of time. … More Head in the clouds